You have a place here at Faith Harvest Fellowship!
Latest Livestream
Contemporary Worship
Sunday 10:00 am
Encounter Service
Wednesday 7:00 pm – throughout Summer months
Bible Studies
We host a variety of Bible Study classes designed to strengthen your relationship wth God. Click to find out more which class is right for you.
Women’s group & Men’s group meet Tuesday’s at 6:30
are You In Need?
Christ has called us to serve Him. Contact one of our Ministers or staff members if you are in need or know of someone in need.
Sunday Morning
We Welcome You To Come At Any Time
Morning Prayer
9:00 am
10:00 am
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Live Stream
Pastor's Message
10:45 am
Fellowship Time
12:00 pm
Fellowship Meals
to be determined month to month
Weekly Schedule
Women of God – 6:30 pm
Kingdom Men – 6:30 pm
Encounter Service 7:00 pm
A Message From Our Senior Pastor

Welcome to Our Church!
Welcome to Faith Harvest Fellowship. We invite you to take a closer look at us by participating in our services and ministries that touch your heart.
Our worship services include contemporary songs and worship as we celebrate the diverse nature of our church.
We have a family of men and women who love God and seek to serve Him and our fellow human beings in a manner that will bring glory to God’s name.
SeniorPastor Jerry O’Brien
About Our Church Family
We are a multicultural congregation that welcomes every nationality and race. We offer each member of your family a place to connect with friends. Here you can learn and be encouraged with relevant teaching and anointed preaching. We are confident that you will find each service to be refreshing and uplifting.
When you visit Faith Harvest Fellowship, you will quickly find warm, friendly people committed to making your church experience enjoyable, exciting and life-changing.
You can expect to be welcomed by loving people who genuinely care about you.
We are a diverse church family where everyone expresses worship in their own way.
We have vibrant music where you will experience a heart-felt worship service.
Truth is brought to life through in-depth Bible studies and sermons.
Whether you are new on this Christian journey and desire to have your faith strengthened or you are searching to know God more intimately.
You have a place here at Faith Harvest Fellowship!
Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Music & Worship Team Practice
Every Sunday During Service After Worship
Children’s Ministries
Children Grades K-6
Meet Each Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Impact Youth Ministry
Teens Grades 7 -12
Words From Our Church Community
Sue Ann Landis
“All my life I was in search of truth. Every church I visited revealed parts of the truth and I grew in my relationship with Jesus. However there were times in my life that I would turn my back on God and go down paths I knew were not His best for me. After the a terrible accident December 27th 2000, My life was drastically changed. My two daughters Jennifer and Christine and four other of their friends were killed in a tragic car accident only leaving one survivor out of the seven. It was a turning point for me to decide once and for all to follow Jesus.
I found myself in the basement of Jerry and Peggy O’brien’s home, where they opened up their house and began to preach and teach the Word of God like I’d never heard it before! Their openness and faith in God was REAL! I saw them walk it out day by day even when hell showed up at their door, they did not ring their hands and say where is God? They walked out their faith and the Word became alive in their lives and I was taught how to use scriptures added to my faith to enjoy the abundant life Jesus said we could have here and now!
I knew never to put a person on a pedestal because they would fall, only God is to be put in that position. Pastor Jerry and Pastor Peggy know the voice of God and have built Faith Harvest Fellowship upon His direction. When they made mistakes they were humble before God and before the congregation.
Their stories of Faith in action spoke to me the truth that it is available for all who would believe and exercise their God given rights as a Believer in Christ Jesus. GOD IS NOT a RESPECTER of persons, if God did it for them He could and would do it for me.
Through the challenges of this life that I have faced, my faith has grown and continues to flourish. If your looking for a place that will grow your faith in Jesus, a place to be equipped for the purposes God has for you, then visit Faith Harvest Fellowship.”
Jim Howell
“On the first time I walked into Faith Harvest Fellowship I knew this is the place I want to call my church always has a good sermon every Sunday music is awesome everyone treats everyone with respect and makes him feel like there a part this church hopefully one day I can be a member I have the upmost respect for Faith Harvest Fellowship I couldn’t ask any better place to get God’s word”
Melissa Trivette
“When I first came to FHF , it’s been 7 years now, I was so hurt by church, broken, felt used up and full of bitterness, after being hurt in previous church so deeply, I put walls, I determined, I wouldn’t allow no one that close to me again, we had small children , so keep them in a church, for a least 5 years, then dissatisfaction came, I knew here was more , see I blamed God for people mistake, so wrong, I can’t be blamed for r my children mistaken and choices they make as well as God gives us all free choices, he dont force himself on no one, but since going to FHF, I found his people to love me though the bad, the hurt , bitterness, I found a family, a true family, and no church is perfect, we are not perfect people, but when we set our mind straight and allow God to do heart surgery, things become clear, I’ve found these people to truly love God and his people, this is a Great place to call home! I love this Fellowship! Each and every one, I am a changed person because they took me just like I was and for that reason ,I allowed Holy Spirit to do his healing in my life, I’m not perfect, none are, but I’m still moving forward, thanks to his grace and love dsplayed by this Chruch family ! Come see for yourself! Taste and see that the Lord is good! And you will find his love displayed here at Faith Harvest Fellowship! We are in it for the Harvest of souls! We love what God loves ! His people his creation! Check us out!”
Linda J. Lilley
“This church is a very big blessing for! Faith Harvest helped me learn how to be true,and strong in my faith. I love my church,and everyone who goes there!“
Zella Geiser
“Faith Harvest Fellowship is a place to go and hear God’s word and where the word is practiced and lived out.There is a great worship led by the anointing and spirit of the Lord and preaching of God’s word.”
Get In Touch!
(330) 642-2005